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電視直播 - DW English

電視直播 - DW English

DocFilm — The Renewables Revolution - Global Solutions for Energy Transition

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08:15 UTC
DocFilmThe Renewables Revolution - Global Solutions for Energy Transition
Mankind is facing the greatest upheaval since industrialization. To stop climate change, the energy system must be transformed worldwide and fossil fuels must be completely replaced. But is this even possible?
09:00 UTC
DW NewsNews
09:15 UTC
Sports LifeFlow & Frustration - The Visa Saga of Kenya’s Kayak King
Sammy Muturi has been rowing the rivers of the mighty slopes of Mt. Kenya for over a decade. He’s a kayak pioneer in his homeland and has one big dream: being the first Kenyan kayaker to qualify for the Olympics. But to take part in the qualifying competitions in London, he first needs a visa. Like many African athletes, his dream depends on the goodwill of a few embassy officials.